Maritime Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Centre

Who are we?
Our internal medicine department consists of our Internal Medicine Doctor, who has undergone extensive postgraduate and residency training. We also have a team of Registered Veterinary Technicians and Veterinarian Technician Assistants who work directly alongside our doctor and perform various tasks to help with patient care.
IM hours Monday-Thursday 8am till 6pm After-hours scopes and ultrasounds depend on the availability of the Internal Medicine Doctor.
Please contact the ER before sending a patient for these procedures after hours.

What kind of cases does our Internal Medicine department see?
We deal with complex medical cases and manage acute/chronic diseases. We specifically look at the internal organs and systems such as the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, endocrine system, urinary tract, immune system, respiratory system. Medicine does not treat or diagnose diseases related to nervous system, cardiovascular system or theriogenology. We create diagnostic and/or medical management plans for each patient that we see.
We work with the pets primary veterinarian for ongoing care but we also can help on a more urgent basis through the Emergency Department.
Common Cases Include:
Autoimmune Disease
Chronic Gastrointestinal problems
Kidney and Urinary Tract Disease
Pulmonary Disease
Common Procedures
Abdominal Ultrasounds
Ultrasound Guided Fine Needle Aspirates
Outpatient ultrasounds coming soon
Gastrointestinal explores or Foreign Body removals
Coming early spring 2025!